All membership fees contribute towards the Center's activities and services. Each level of membership grants, b'ezrat Hashem, (with G-d's help) differing and increasing benefits.

Associate Membership
Associate members receive Center reports and updates via e-mail. They are also entitled to free entrance to Israel Forum Lectures and a reduction in the Shabbaton program fees.
Annual Membership: $36.00

Support Membership
Support members, in addition to Associate Member benefits, can purchase Rabbi Weiner's book, Ye Shall Surely Heal, at a reduced price. They are also entitled to submit halachic questions concerning real non-emergency medical situations, i.e. situations that do not necessitate an immediate halachic response.
Annual Membership: $100.00

Full Membership
Full members receive all the privileges of Support Members and additionally will be sent selected abstracts of Rabbi Weiner's lectures as they appear. They also receive a free copy of Ye Shall Surely Heal. Annual Membership: $180.00

Scholar Membership
Scholar members, in addition to all the benefits listed above, are entitled to a 10% reduction in Yarchei Kalla fees (a savings of up to $100). They are encouraged to submit questions concerning bioethical issues.
Annual Membership: $500.00
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The Jerusalem Center for Research Jerusalem Center for Research
P. O. Box 57058